Creative LOST Posters
February 1, 2010, 7:08 pm
Filed under: Miscellany | Tags: , , ,

Mattson Creative posted some really well-thought-out and impeccably designed LOST season 6 promo posters. My favorites:

The first one features good/bad Locke overlapping to form a coffin. The second I believe shows the two Oceanic flights in 2 different timelines, as well as a modern structure at LAX airport (the title of the season premiere). The third features ol’ Smokey and other island-related imagery including a polar bear, the Black Rock, Daniel’s journal sketches, and Mrs. Hawking’s pendulum markings. And lastly, a pair of VW Dharma vans… A bit of a lack of attention to detail here, as the vans in the show have replaced the VW logo with Dharma’s. Oops! Otherwise I like how this implies the duality of the upcoming season.

T-minus 31 hours!!

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Thanks for posting these!! You’re absolutely right about the Dharma buses! I just fixed it. Thanks!

Comment by Ty Mattson

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